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Москва, 17 мая 2019

Machine Learning - how to begin to learn the machine in PHP
PHP, стандарты, фреймворки, библиотеки, OpenSource

Доклад принят в программу конференции
Arkadiusz Kondas
Proget Sp. z o.o.

Professional programmer. Event Storming fan. Machine learning enthusiast. He believes in the idea of Software Craftsmanship. Open source fan. In his free time, he develops his projects on github, blogs and runs ultramarathons.


Презентация - https://slides.com/arkadiuszkondas/machine-learning-in-php-2019/#/

The main goal of Machine Learning is to create intelligent systems that can improve and acquire new knowledge through input. In practice this translates into the use of one of hundreds of different algorithms available. Based on the PHP-ML library I want to present different classes of problems and how to use them. I will also show you how to build an entire pipeline by which we go through all the ML stages: preprocessing, choosing algorithms, and evaluating its effectiveness.

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