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Москва, 17 мая 2019

How to make Legacy Refactoring Fun Again - From Months to Days
PHP, стандарты, фреймворки, библиотеки, OpenSource

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Tomáš Votruba
Czech & Slovak PHP Community Pehapkari

Tomas loves PHP and connecting people, so he founded Czech & Slovak PHP Community Pehapkari in 2015, where all PHP developers can share their knowledge, chat on Slack or grab a beer.

His passion is open-source for lazy people - instant upgrades and coding standards. He takes care of Rector and EasyCodingStandard packages.


Legacy code is present of any successful company. The longer your live and profit, the older your code is.

How to get out of this? You can rewrite (don't do that!) or refactor manual (don't do that either!). It's 2019 and there is a tool for that now - Rector.

I help companies to refactor their huge legacy code in a couple of weeks. You can also switch frameworks, from PHP 5.3 to PHP 7.4, from Laravel to Symfony... the sky is the limit :)

I will show you how you can make your legacy code shine again!

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